"Taras Bulba" Gogol
The story of Gogol’s creation of the Taras Bulba story, the history of influences on the author of literary works by his predecessors, is very complex and has not yet…

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strip tease
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"The boundaries of my language represent the boundaries of my world." This is what Wittgenstein said. And then, of course, you can not argue. Man is a creature: he likes…

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Bogdanovich "Darling"
The content of “Darling” is taken from La Fontaine’s prose work “The Love of Psyche and Cupid” (“Les amours de Psyché et de Cupidon”). The content of this work, in…

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where the artist

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“The boundaries of my language represent the boundaries of my world.” This is what Wittgenstein said. And then, of course, you can not argue. Man is a creature: he likes to give names to everything. Even things that obviously do not need names. For us, a thing exists only if it has a name / title.

And most of us, if we ask what literature is, will say something like: “this is a story told through words.”

We are so used to it. So we were taught in school. Well, in general, all these old libraries, manuscripts, archives – because there are solid words, right? We grew up in an environment where text is primary. Continue reading

Nobuyoshi Araki

“Of course, in every work there is a pornographic connotation. Otherwise, it would be just eroticism – pure, intellectual and uninteresting. And I do an upgrade by adding a bit of dirt – we all love dirt. ”

Photographer Nobuyoshi Araki is a master of provocative and defiant photography. The Japanese, who openly express themselves through photographs, at times prompting us to think about shung and (oh gods) Hentai, published over 250 books with his works. The confiscation of works and the closure of exhibitions only increase world fame and interest in his works, an honest photo. Continue reading

"Taras Bulba" Gogol
The story of Gogol’s creation of the Taras Bulba story, the history of influences on the author of literary works by his predecessors, is very complex and has not yet…


Gogol "Wii"
When analyzing the novel “Viy”, it immediately catches the eye that it is a work in which, like in Gogol’s other early stories, romanticism is inextricably mixed with realism: genre…
