An unwritten text as a text is not in itself something unheard of. In the history of art, silence as a piece of music, blank sheets in graphic albums, white…

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strip tease
Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog"
A homeless dog Sharik, who lived in Moscow, was scrubbed with a boiling water by one cruel cook. It was December, and Sharik, with his side wounded from the burn,…

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An unwritten text as a text is not in itself something unheard of. In the history of art, silence as a piece of music, blank sheets in graphic albums, white…

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” she is born “

“European Herald” – Karamzin magazine

Creativity Karamzin in the years of the reign of Alexander I is of considerable interest. A sentimentalist writer, an individualist, essentially his temperament, who was first interested in mainly his sensitive soul — he appeared in the Alexander’s epoch as a public figure and publicist. Karamzin wrote and published a whole series of articles reflecting the living interests of our time in the journal “Vestnik Evropy” (1802-1830), the editor-in-chief of which was. Continue reading

Grossman "Life and Fate"
How strikingly disappeared all the Soviet spells and formulas, enumerated above! [cm. Grossman's article “For the Right Cause” - analysis by A. Solzhenitsyn] - and no one will say that…


Watch books, read pictures
"The boundaries of my language represent the boundaries of my world." This is what Wittgenstein said. And then, of course, you can not argue. Man is a creature: he likes…
