English theater of the era of Shakespeare
Along with the development of dramatic poetry in England, the stage production of plays was also improved. The great importance of Shakespeare's dramas arouses interest in the design of the…

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strip tease
What to read: 10 books on contemporary art and culture
Be In Trend has prepared a selection of 10 books on contemporary art, which will help from different angles to look at the art of the last 100 years. The…

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Homer Iliad
Homer's poem "The Iliad" (see its full text and analysis) begins with a description of the wrath of the protagonist of the Greek army - Achilles. Nine years already spent…

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art begins

Goncharov “Zion of agony”

In his article “Zion of agony”, I. A. Goncharov begins the characterization of the comedy “Woe from Wit” (see the summary, analysis and full text) with an indication of its unusual “youthfulness, freshness” – “she, like a hundred-year old man, about of which everyone, having lived out his turn in turn, dies and falls, and he walks, vigorous and fresh, between the graves of old people and the cradles of new people. ” Although “the significance of Pushkin in the history of Russian literature was incomparably greater than that of Griboedov – he occupied with himself his whole epoch, he himself created another, gave birth to schools of artists” – nevertheless, the heroes of his works (eg, Onegin) faded, became a thing of the past . Lermontov Pechorin also outlived his time, not to mention the heroes of Fonvizin. Meanwhile, Chatsky – the image is still bright. Continue reading

Heroes “Minor” Fonvizin

The most famous comedy of Fonvizin, “The Minor,” is one of the first-class works of Russian literature. The playwright portrayed in it, firstly, the ignorant, ancient education of noble children; secondly, the brutal arbitrariness of the landowners, their inhuman treatment of serfs.

You can read about the main characters of the play, Mrs. Prostakova, and her son, Mitrofanushka, in the articles on our site especially dedicated to them: Characteristics of Mrs. Prostakova in “The Minor” Fonvizin and Characteristics of Mitrofan in “The Minor” Fonvizin. Continue reading

Byron “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”

The hero of Byron’s poem Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage is a young aristocrat, full of pleasure and disappointed in life. Leaving the “father’s house”, his “ancient castle”, Harold sits on the ship and says goodbye to his homeland. The agitated lines of “Farewell” convey the senses of the poet himself, who, like his hero, left England without regret with extraordinary force:

With you, ship, in a far light
I will rush under the storm howl …
Where? – there is no concern, Continue reading

Bunin "Loopy ears"
Bunin's story "Petty ears" is very inferior to "The Lord from San Francisco", but written in the same powerful manner, with the same force of a full-sound and wonderfully heavy…


The basis of the interaction of fiction
Science fiction as a genre in culture and media reality in one degree or another together and not randomly characterize modernity. This can be demonstrated by examples from the gaming…
