An unwritten text as a text is not in itself something unheard of. In the history of art, silence as a piece of music, blank sheets in graphic albums, white…

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strip tease
Corneille "Sid" - analysis with quotes
In the best works of the founder of the classic tragedy Pierre Corneille (1606 - 1684), speaking in the early period of classicism, at the time of absolute monarchy flourishing,…

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The value of "Hunter's notes" in Russian literature
The artistic significance of Turgenev's Hunter's Notes is very great: there are many beautiful descriptions of the “endless” nature of the middle part of Russia - the nature whose beauty…

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person or voluntarily

Rose and Cross block

The ideological and philosophical basis of the drama is a characteristic of the Bloc of the 1910s the idea of ​​the many-sided nature of life, the idea of ​​merging its opposing principles. Its main motive is connected with this – the dual unity of Joy-Suffering, a motive that is also reflected in its title, where “rose” should mean pleasure, joy of life, and “cross” – suffering that fell to a person or voluntarily accepted by him. The same motif is organically intertwined with a number of images of the multicolored world that surrounds the hero (Bertrand) and the heroine (Isoru): inviting mysterious, gloomy sea distantly, invoking a new and deep meaning to their dull being. Continue reading

Ariosto, "Furious Roland"
Poem Ludoviko Ariosto “Furious Roland” had more than 80 editions in the XVI century. The elegant and at the same time simple language brought her a quick triumph over the…


Dante "Hell"
In the two greatest creations of Dante Alighieri - "New Life" and in the "Divine Comedy" (see its summary) - the same idea has been carried out. Both are bound…
